Indoor Winter Gardening

In winter I would go bananas if I didn’t have green things growing, so I have a lot of houseplants.  I have a few sunny windows in my house, most get partial sun. I have two windows in my bedroom that are south facing. Unfortunately, my cat Wizard likes to lay in one. He would eat any plants I have there, so I only get to use the other window, near my dresser, for plants. But when I start garden seeds inside in spring, he gets temporarily banished from his window.  Here are some pictures of my indoor garden:

onions 1
Here is a pot of green onions. I grew them from old green onions that I had bought at the store. I just left the roots on the bottom base, popped them in some dirt, and they are growing well.
onions 2
Here’s my other pot of green onions. It’s overshadowed by my Christmas Cactus which is now blooming.
Here is my fully opened Christmas Cactus flower.  I had one years ago that had red flowers. I got this one from my boss a month or so ago, and it’s now blooming. I didn’t know they could get this pale of flowers. They are very pretty.
sink plants
Here is my kitchen sink garden, which includes the onions and the cactus above. It’s a west facing window, so it gets sun in the later part of the day. I need to get some hanging baskets for the spider plants in this picture.
art room garden
Here is my art room garden. The window is a north facing window, but the sun does seem to come in in the early and later part of the day. There is also an east facing window off to the right, not pictured, so they get some light from that side as well.  These plants have seemed to do well in here.
dresser garden
Here is my dresser garden, in the south facing window. I usually keep this dresser full so the cat doesn’t jump up and eat the plants.  The spider plant on the right had a long offshoot for awhile, it was hanging almost to the floor. The cat thought it was a toy and wrecked the baby on the end. So now I make sure the offshoots aren’t hanging off the dresser.
tall plants
This super tall plant is a Mother of Thousands.  It was not nearly this tall when I got it, about a year ago. It has grown quite tall. It will need a new pot soon, and maybe a way to put it lower so it isn’t touching the ceiling.
mother of thousands
Here is the top of the Mother of Thousands. It is touching the ceiling of my bedroom.
These are some House Tomato seedlings – they are supposed to do well and actually set fruit in the house, in a pot in a sunny window. They are about ready to go into their gallon pots.


Air Plants!

I got my Christmas present early from my husband, he was worried that the gift may not live if it had to wait another week or so.  He got me an air plant jellyfish kit!

One of my air plant jellyfish.

Air plants are also called Tillandsia.  They don’t need any soil – in nature they grow on rocks and trees, and grab moisture from the air. There are many different kinds. I’m not sure what kind these are.  They came in a kit of three – three air plants, some sea urchin skeletons (for the jellyfish “caps” ) and some hemp twine to hang them. Oh, and some air plant food.  If you want to get one, you can get it at

Here are my jellyfish, hanging with my other windowsill plants and hanging things at my kitchen window:

My whimsical windowsill.

I used to have several different types of air plants, but they died when we moved up the U.P. (they froze during our journey).  I’m happy to have some of them again, they’re really cool.